Some of you may have run into the excellent Spaceteam mobile game. It’s best described as ‘co-operatively shouting at each other to fix your broken ship’, and it’s a lot of fun. Some fun folks then went and made a card game variant of it, which is similar in many ways. Now, both games have…
I’m a fan of Go, (the game, very much not the language), but I don’t ever seem to get around to having time to play it in person. Thankfully some folks made the Dragon Go Server which is a sort of ‘play by web’ server for playing games of Go over an extended period, and means I…
I’ve been playing around with doing some testing of my Android apps, and it turns out to be a little bit more difficult than I’d hoped, but with the aid of some tools it can be brought back under control. Given Android apps are basically just Java, the usual choice would be JUnit. Android needs…
I’ve been playing around with Android development recently, and one of the apps is now worth sharing with everyone else. It’s not particularly complex, but last I looked, there wasn’t an app to do this: tell me what my postcode is. Given you’re holding a phone that knows where it is, and that can talk…