
Howto posts

Migrating from PostgreSQL to CockroachDB - 14 Jun 2023 DevOps  Howto  Python 

Migrating from PostgreSQL to CockroachDB

Strife: Using OAuth to make a Discord profile page - 30 Aug 2019 Howto  Python 

I’ve written an app (Strife) to provide Discord profile pages, but I’m surprised no-one had already done so, so I’m going to show you how I did it. I’ve started using Discord recently, and I was surprised that there was no way to link to a users profile. You can search for profiles inside the…

PSA: Many ways to manage your Python dependencies - 3 Jul 2018 Howto  Python  Tools 

Having recently learnt about a few more tools, I felt it was worth writing this post. It’s pretty much a PSA, and some of you may well have found most of these, but there are a lot of Python developers out there who haven’t, and the improvements when using some them are considerable, so it’s…

Telepresence Dalek: Part 1 – Remote control - 18 Apr 2015 Convention  Hardware  Howto  Javascript  Python 

Earlier this month, I went to a science-fiction convention by the name of Dysprosium. At said convention was a competition called “Dalekdrome”, with the idea of taking remote controlled Daleks and then customising them. When I was first told about this, I was at another convention where someone was attending via a telepresence robot, and so…