
git posts

apt repository for Discord - 3 Sep 2023 Debian  git  Web 

apt repository for Discord

Customising Github profile pages - 11 Jul 2020 git  Python  Web 

I saw a blog post recently by Simon Willison that shows you how to use a somewhat hidden feature of Github (as in it seems well known on the internet, but it’s not in their docs). Normally, a Github profile just contains either a random set of repositories, or you can pin particular repositories if you want. However, it turns out there’s an extra hidden feature: if you have a repo with the same name as your username (e.g. palfrey/palfrey for me) and it has a, that will get displayed at the top of your profile.

Clincher: checking your signed git commits - 26 Oct 2018 git 

Recently for a project with tight regulatory requirements we decided that git signing throughout the project was a good idea. There’s a debate about it’s level of effectiveness, given that all it tells you is that a particular commit was made from a particular developers machine, and if they’re not careful, they can end up…

Scrutiny: Github permissions audit and backup tool - 8 May 2016 git  Python  Tools 

These days we’ve all got an awful lot of our code in Github, and so we really need both a backup (so we can cope with them having a catastrophic failure) and a permissions auditing mechanism (so we know who’s getting access). For the latter, some of you may be saying “just use the audit…

Raspberry Chef - 22 Dec 2015 git  Python  Tools 

Last month I wrote about temperature monitoring, and how I ended up using Raspberry Pi’s. I’m still fiddling around with their configuration, and I ran into a few problems. For starters, if I brought them home, they knew how to talk to the work WiFi, but not my home system, and vice versa (although this is…