Two months ago I blogged about how to be a Rockstar developer, and demonstrated it with a Rockstar interpreter called Maiden written in Rust. Now, normally Rust is considered a systems programming language (it even says so on the Rust homepage), and the command-line nature of Maiden aligned well with that. Except that Rust is slowly…
You’ve probably followed that clickbait of a title and are hoping for some super-secret tips on how to be a ‘Rockstar developer’, and I’m not going to disappoint on that (technically). But before that, I’m going to note to those of you lucky enough to have not seen that particular variety of recruiter spam that…
Having written the Beatnik interpreter a few months ago, I was recently reminded that my Befunge interpreter still didn’t have a Clojurescript version and, given it’s been almost exactly five years since that post, it’s about time. For the impatient, it’s hosted on Github pages. By default it loads ‘Hello World’, and there’s a couple…
Beatnik is an esoteric programming language that’s been recently amusing me (as they occasionally do). The core idea is that words in the source code are interpreted as their Scrabble scores, and those scores then do things (mostly involving messing with a stack). This leads then to the possibility of an alternate form of the language,…
I’ve been learning Clojure recently, and I’d been looking around for a good initial project to test my new knowledge. I’ve always wanted to write a Befunge interpreter, and so decided that sounded like a fun project. Little did I know the maze of twisty little passages I was letting myself in for, but I’ve…