
Python posts

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munger: Scan-to-cloud for local scanners - 31 Jan 2020 Cloud  Hardware  Python 

Despite the ongoing good work in many places to move to fully digital options, many organisations remain committed to sending you shards of dead tree through the post (particularly the NHS, though I can understand that given how they’ve been burnt in the past). Keeping track of all this paper is tricky, and particularly hard…

Parochial: working around limits on DLNA players - 30 Sep 2019 Python  Tools 

A little while ago we acquired a internet-connected radio for our kitchen. We intended on using it for a variety of it’s capabilities, and my particular interest was it’s DLNA support. I figured I’d just be able to point it at my music collection and it would all be fine right? laughs  As I’m writing…

Strife: Using OAuth to make a Discord profile page - 30 Aug 2019 Howto  Python 

I’ve written an app (Strife) to provide Discord profile pages, but I’m surprised no-one had already done so, so I’m going to show you how I did it. I’ve started using Discord recently, and I was surprised that there was no way to link to a users profile. You can search for profiles inside the…

Vellere: exposing Github vulnerability notifications to Slack - 24 May 2019 Python  Tools 

A few years ago, Github introduced vulnerability alerts on repositories and although it was initially just for Javascript and Ruby, they’ve since expanded it to Python, Java and .Net and I’m guessing more languages are also on their roadmap. It’s a useful feature, except for one problem: it’s notifications are poorly implemented. They appear to…

PSA: Many ways to manage your Python dependencies - 3 Jul 2018 Howto  Python  Tools 

Having recently learnt about a few more tools, I felt it was worth writing this post. It’s pretty much a PSA, and some of you may well have found most of these, but there are a lot of Python developers out there who haven’t, and the improvements when using some them are considerable, so it’s…

Wharf: Dokku Web frontend - 28 Feb 2018 Cloud  Python  Web 

As long-time readers of my posts may have noticed, most of the apps I talk about building here are deployed to Heroku. This is mainly because I’ve been a long-term user of theirs, and so when they changed their pricing model a couple of years ago, I got grandfathered in a ridiculous number of free hours.…

Sked: merged calendars as a service - 22 Jan 2018 Python  Tools  Web 

I have a little bit of an obsession with calendars, mostly generated ones via a variety of tools. I don’t do well with pen-and-paper for this sort of things, and one of these days I will write the Grand Unified Todo Manager To Rule Them All (which will also eat emails, Calendars and probably a…

Extending Splitwise’s currency conversion - 25 Apr 2017 Python  Tools  Web 

I’m rather fond of Splitwise, which is an app/website for recording money owed between multiple people. Myself and my partner use it a lot for various expenses, and it’s really useful when you’ve got many different payments, and you need to keep track over time. We’ve got one repeated payment however that’s been in US…

BoardGameGeek graph - 28 Feb 2017 Javascript  Python  Web 

I’m a bit of a gamer, although I’m using that term to cover many things including pen-and-paper RPGs, board games, various forms of LARP, and occasionally a bit of video gaming. Of course, with all those options there’s the problem of what should you play. One of the solutions that people have come up with is…

Potboiler - 31 Oct 2016 Potboiler  Python  Rust  Tools 

Over the last couple of years I’ve been reading and talking about a lot of things related to distributed systems. This is a common train of thought around here, and after working on this on and off for the past 18 months or so (the version you’re seeing here is in fact version 3 having repeatedly changed…

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