URL stripping with licensing fun
16 million downloads and still adding features
7 million downloads, and 1.0
parallel attribute support for serial_test
Experimental hermetic build engine with Starlark
Or, avoiding dealing with RabbitMQ clustering
In this week’s Yak shaving: Trying to write a Terraform Provider in Rust.
TL;DR - there’s a list of Rust projects at the end of this post that want Hacktoberfest submissions, and are at least fairly decent ones :)
About 18 months ago I was wondering how to make Rust tests run in serial occasionally and I wrote a little crate called “serial_test” to solve this. I was digging through some other things, and idly noted that serial_test now has over 100,000 downloads, and so it’s probably a good time for a little retrospective on it.
I’ve been idly considering the uses of serverless computing, and I’m still not convinced it’s worth it. I’ve used it before, mostly as a means to make things happen in response to AWS events, but the pattern everyone talks about is using them to run web apps, and I’m not fully convinced about that. However,…
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