
Rust posts

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Serialising Rust tests - 14 Jan 2019 Rust  serial_test  Tools 

I’m once again prodding the potboiler tests and a couple of the tests I was doing wanted to mess around with the shared database. This had the problem that multiple tests would collide with each other, as the default for Rust testing is to run everything in parallel. This is unusual, but good in many…

Experiments in converting code from C to Rust - 27 Nov 2018 C  Rust  Tools 

I’m quite fond of Rust (as a few blog posts on the topic may indicate), but one item I hadn’t really explored was replacing/rewriting existing C code bases in Rust. There’s a general joke about the general notion of “rewriting everything in Rust is of course always the right thing to do!” (Google “rust evangelism…

Even more Rockstar: using WebAssembly to run Rust code in browser - 24 Sep 2018 Esolangs  Javascript  Rust  Web 

Two months ago I blogged about how to be a Rockstar developer, and demonstrated it with a Rockstar interpreter called Maiden written in Rust. Now, normally Rust is considered a systems programming language (it even says so on the Rust homepage), and the command-line nature of Maiden aligned well with that. Except that Rust is slowly…

How to be a Rockstar developer! - 30 Jul 2018 Esolangs  Humour  Rust 

You’ve probably followed that clickbait of a title and are hoping for some super-secret tips on how to be a ‘Rockstar developer’, and I’m not going to disappoint on that (technically). But before that, I’m going to note to those of you lucky enough to have not seen that particular variety of recruiter spam that…

On Mocking Rust - 21 May 2018 Potboiler  Rant  Rust 

I’ve recently picked Potboiler back up again with the intention of doing some expansion work on it, but in order to be able to do this sensibly I first had to actually write some tests for it. First time around I was mostly just trying to hack it together and see where I could get, but…

Gasconade: Making blog posts for Twitter users - 6 Sep 2017 Rust  Web 

Recently there’s been a lot of Twitter posts with the text ‘1/X’ or ‘Thread:’ in them, followed by umpteen other tweets because apparently the relevant poster both refuses to follow the parsimonious limits of the Twitter platform, and for some reason also refuses to write an actual blog post. Given these days the technical act…

Generating Beatnik code - 23 Mar 2017 Esolangs  Programming  Rust 

Beatnik is an esoteric programming language that’s been recently amusing me (as they occasionally do). The core idea is that words in the source code are interpreted as their Scrabble scores, and those scores then do things (mostly involving messing with a stack). This leads then to the possibility of an alternate form of the language,…

Pigtail: task queues with Potboiler - 28 Nov 2016 Potboiler  Rust  Technology 

Last month, I wrote about Potboiler, my AP Event Sourcing system. At the time I’d built a K/V store on top of Potboiler, mostly just as a test application. Potboiler isn’t really intended to be talked to directly by most clients, but will have some other form of service or store that sits on top…

Potboiler - 31 Oct 2016 Potboiler  Python  Rust  Tools 

Over the last couple of years I’ve been reading and talking about a lot of things related to distributed systems. This is a common train of thought around here, and after working on this on and off for the past 18 months or so (the version you’re seeing here is in fact version 3 having repeatedly changed…

Dawn: Mobile bus stops display - 14 Jul 2016 Rust  Web 

When I’m out and about, I find myself repeatedly wanting to know when a bus will stop near where I am. This generally involves a phone as the TfL Countdown displays are a bit thin on the ground. Despite the advent of such things as Citymapper, I’ve still been a fan of the Countdown mobile website,…

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