
Technology posts

Previous page API bindings in Erlang - 15 Oct 2010 Erlang  Technology 

About 6 months ago, I started to teach myself Erlang. I’ve always found it difficult to learn a new language without a decent test project to try out things with, and so I decided to add scrobbling support to our jukebox. I got pretty far, but then I got buried in other projects, and…

Android Postcode app - 26 Sep 2010 Android  Programming  Technology 

I’ve been playing around with Android development recently, and one of the apps is now worth sharing with everyone else. It’s not particularly complex, but last I looked, there wasn’t an app to do this: tell me what my postcode is. Given you’re holding a phone that knows where it is, and that can talk…

Little Brother: spying on yourself for fun and profit - 26 May 2010 Technology 

One of the internal tools that some of us use is a little script called getcap. Using the venerable xwd and ImageMagick, along with a bit of shell scripting it gets run by cron 8 times an hour and dumps a screen capture into a hidden folder in your home directory. As you can imagine,…

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